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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cindy Crawford Brings the Quote of the Day

Cindy Crawford Brings the Quote of the Day

Cindy Crawford Brings the Quote of the Day | beauty body image
“I think the way kids learn most is not by what you say, but by what you do. They see me making healthy choices, and they see my husband and I exercising. Being a woman and having a daughter, I don’t want her to feel like in order to be attractive or healthy or thin, that you have to deprive yourself all of the time. So if we go out for ice cream, I don’t’ say, ‘Oh, I can’t have that!” I’ll order one. I don’t make a big deal out of it. She sees how I eat and I always say that I try to be 80% good, 80% of the time because that’s achievable!”
… says Cindy Crawford in Parade Magazine.


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