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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry might be reaching a quiet truce

Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry might be reaching a quiet truce


Over the past week, Halle Berry has been getting pap’d constantly. It was getting to the point where I was wondering if there was another big build-up in access to her in exchange for various media outlets getting strategic “leaks” about Gabriel Aubry’s alleged abuse and racism. Well… that still might happen, but for now I’m cautiously optimistic. TMZ reports that Halle and Gabriel were in court yesterday, and that they are close to finalizing their custodial agreement for Nahla.

    Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry just left the L.A. County Courthouse, after trying to finalize a custody settlement with the judge.

    TMZ was in the courtroom when Judge Mark Juhas said to Gabriel and his lawyers, “We’re making huge progress. We need to stick with it.”

    Halle and her lawyers, Neal Hersh and Judy Bogen, went into chambers to talk with the judge. Before that, Gabriel and his lawyers, Gary Fishbein and Kristina Royce, went into chambers to jawbone with hizzoner.

    We’re told it’s all part of a settlement conference over Nahla’s custody and visitation. The major stumbling block has been Halle’s acting schedule, which takes her out of town from time to time.

    From what happened this AM, it looks like Halle and Gabriel are on the verge of an agreement — and a truce.

[From TMZ]

Am I the only one peeved by this news? I mean, I appreciate that Halle and Gabe are both FINALLY acting like adults and keeping their personal dramas quiet, but on the other side, I remember all the crap Halle said about Gabriel, and it bothers me that no one else is bringing it up. If Gabe was such a horrible, abusive, neglectful racist, why is are the final custodial discussions going so smoothly? Shouldn’t Halle be fighting harder? Unless she was just making that stuff up completely, right? So… why isn’t that being addressed? Is it because everybody’s just happy that Halle’s Crazy is subdued for now? What happens when it rears up again?




celebitchy/Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

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