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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Has Brooke Mueller Fallen Off The Wagon?

Has Brooke Mueller Fallen Off The Wagon?

TMZ reports that Brooke Mueller was caught on video at a pawn shop trying to get cash for a watch and a stereo and was acting very strangely. Her friends have no idea where she’s disappeared to, even though her mom says she’s fine and that she was only trying to help a friend out who needed to pawn the items.

Rumors are swirling that she’s on a drug bender, possibly triggered by her new reality show with Paris Hilton – most of Brooke’s scenes were cut from the upcoming show. She also failed to show up for an event on Wednesday night.

Brooke’s mom says she’s fine, but Radar Online says that she bought crack just yesterday and is off the rails. The source also shared:
“Brooke is having a full-fledged crack relapse. Her lawyer has been trying to reach her, to no avail. Brooke has 3-4 friends that are big-time party animals, and they came over the her Los Feliz mansion, picked her up, and she hasn’t been seen since.”
Brooke has to take a mandatory drug test at 6pm tonight, but if she fails to show up, she could lose custody of her boys.

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