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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lady Gaga busted her ass on a flaming piano

Lady Gaga busted her ass on a flaming piano


I don’t know if this video is going to be up much longer, it seems like YouTube has already pulled a few down. So enjoy it while you can - Lady Gaga busting her ass on stage in Houston. Yes, the piano is on fire. And yes, she’s wearing crazy boots. Apparently, Gaga was trying to “jump off” the piano (this according to random reports), but on the video is looks more like she was trying to straddle the piano with one foot, and the stool with her other foot, and she just lost her balance. Meh.

It is kind of amazing that she didn’t really hurt herself, though. And that she was able to continue singing, even when she was flat on her ass. Does this kind of public klutz moment bother a crazy control freak like Gaga? Probably. But everybody has klutz moments, and if I was walking in Gaga’s crazy shoes, I would have klutz moments every five minutes.

In other Gaga news, her new music video for “Judas” has already been shot, and apparently even the rumors of what happens in the video is enough to get the Catholic Church up in arms. JUST LIKE MADONNA and “Like a Prayer.” Read more about it here, at Gawker.



celebitchy/Photos courtesy of WENN.

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