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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mariah Carey’s latest epic, nude tabloid photo shoot: cheesy or awesome?

Mariah Carey’s latest epic, nude tabloid photo shoot: cheesy or awesome?


Last week, we got to see Mariah Carey’s epic, naked pregnancy photo on the cover of Life & Style. Many criticized Mariah for giving (selling?) the photos of L&S, one of the most budget tabloids, but considering she also gave L&S the exclusive on the babies’ genders, I think Mariah probably has an existing relationship with someone at the mag or something. Anyway, this week’s gem comes via the British OK! Magazine - even more naked pregnant photos, this time with Nick feeling up his lady. Oh, Mariah. I LOVE YOU.

There are a few excerpts from the OK! Mag piece, and of course it’s all Mariah:

    Mariah says: “You can tell the personalities a bit. In viewing our ultrasounds, our boy is all ready like Nick, like, ‘Here I am, take my picture or don’t, and our girl is coyly facing the other way, like, ‘No pictures,’ waiting for a proper debut. I took some ultrasound footage of them in the womb that I think they’ll definitely find interesting later in life.”

[From OK! Mag UK via Dlisted]

Look, I know some of you might think these photos are cheesy and gross and weird and creepy and all kinds of wrong, but you know what? It’s Mariah, bitches. She wants us to celebrate her love and her babies and her life, and I for one am celebrating. She’s magnificent. Budget and magnificent.





celebitchy/Photos courtesy of OK! Magazine UK, Life & Style, and MariahJournal.

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